$TWiki::cfg{Mdrepo}{WebRecordRequired} = 1;
The second issue can be solved by making webs autonomous following AutonomousWebs.
configuration parameter to true has the following effects statistics
script takes too longe and a times out would occur if it's invoked from browser.
Setting {Stats}{DisableInvocationFromBrowser}
configuration parameter to true disable invocation of the statistics
script from browser.
and $TWiki::cfg{PubDir}
on NFS or other file sharing mechanisms, you can have multiple servers for a single TWiki site easily.
If a topic is saved simultaneously by two or more people, on different servers sharing $TWiki::cfg{DataDir}
, something may break - cases of broken RCS files are reported though their causes haven't been identified.
Even if $TWiki::cfg{DataDir}
and $TWiki::cfg{PubDir}
are shared by multiple servers, log files should not be because of the frequency they are updated.
For example:
use Sys::Hostname; $TWiki::cfg{LogFile} = '/var/twiki/logs/log%DATE%.' . hostname . '.txt';
If each server has its own log file, the statistics
script needs to see log files of all the servers to provide real data.
If {Stats}{LogFileGlob}
configuration parameter is set as shown below, the statistics
script reads access log files matching the file glob (wildcard) instead of the file specified by {LogFileName}
$TWiki::cfg{Stats}{LogFileGlob} = "/var/twiki/logs/log%DATE%.*.txt";
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