web dependent. They are used on the Access Denied page and other pages as contact.
method in a user mapping manager normaly recognizes only one argument, $cUID
. (e.g. TWikiUserMapping's)
However, the upstream code hands two additional arguments, namely the topic and web names of the topic currently being processed.
As such, isAdmin()
can be web and topic dependent, which makes it possible to have web admins.
object method taking the following arguments. wikiWebMaster
does not exist or returns a null string (""), %WIKIWEBMASTER%
are expanded to {WebMasterName}
and {WebMasterEmail}
values respectively.
and wikiWebMaster()
need data source to work.
The data source needs be outside of the web.
Otherwise, there is a possibility of the web admins lose access to the web by some change to the web.
MetadataRepository is one way to have metadata of a web outside the web.
In an example on MetadataRepository, a TWiki group specified by the admin
field of the web's record is the web admins.
Another way is to put such a data on a topic or topics in the TWiki web and make them editable only by TWiki Administrators.
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiAccessControl, MetadataRepository, LargeSite, UserMasquerading
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