Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment TWiki > GluePlugin Daya Bay webs:
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WikiRing Consultants
This plugin will help you to write readable markup (TWikiMarkup, HMTL, ...) within TWiki by allowing tags and arguments to be formatted on multiple lines. This is done by removing whitespaces surrounding tilde characters at the beginning of a line and recombine consecutive lines again. Basically, there are two ways of glueing and recombining lines by either removing all whitespaces between two lines using %*~~ or by removing all whitespaces and separateing lines with a single space using %~~~. There's a helper character sequence %~~ that prevents the TWiki engine to interprete tags before the GluePlugin could reformat the text. In addition there's a glue sequence #~~ to insert comments within a TWikiMarkup expression.

While these glue sequences might feel strange at the beginning they help you to format and recognize your markup and make it more readable. That way you will be able to format a TWikiApplications that looked like this

%SEARCH{"..." type="query" header="<table width="100%" border="5px"><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th><th>Date</th></tr></thead>" format="<tr><th>$formfield(Name)</th><th>$summary</th><th>$createdate</th></tr>" footer="</table>"}%

somewhat like this

#~~ #################################
#~~ # This is my new TWikiApplication
#~~ #################################
#~~ # this is the search expression
~~~   "..."
~~~   type="query"
#~~ #################################
#~~ # this is the header of the result table
~~~   header="
~~~      <table
~~~        width="100%"
~~~        border="5px"
~~~      >
~~~      <thead>
~~~        <tr>
~~~          <th>Name</th>
~~~          <th>Description</th>
~~~          <th>Date</th>
~~~        </tr>
~~~      </thead>"
#~~ #################################
#~~ # every row will be formatted like this
~~~   format="
~~~      <tr>
~~~        <th>$formfield(Name)</th>
~~~        <th>$summary</th>
~~~        <th>$createdate</th>
~~~      </tr>"
#~~ #################################
#~~ # and finally we close this html table
~~~   footer="</table>"
~~~ }%
#~~ #################################
#~~ # sure we could have used 
#~~ # | TWikiTables | as well |
#~~ # but these aren't robust against newlines
#~~ # in the $summary field
#~~ #################################


Line prefix Action
~~~<space> combine lines by removing all, insert one whitespaces
*~~<space> recombine lines by removing any whitespaces between them
%~~<space> escape tag interpretation
#~~<space> comment line, all chars on the same line are removed

The <space> is a literal whitespace blank. The ~~~<space> and *~~<space> sequences are recognized only at the beginning of a line, whereas the %~~<space> escape sequence might appear everywhere. The basic anatomy of writing a TWiki tag using the GluePlugin is exemplified by

%~~ TAG{
~~~ key="
*~~      hello
~~~      world
*~~ "
~~~ }%
which will be recombined to
%<nop>TAG{ key="hello world" }%


You type:
This is a line
~~~ glued to another line.
You get (faked):
This is a line glued to another line.
You get if installed:
This is a line glued to another line.

You type:
*~~ Plugin
You get (faked):
You get if installed:

You type:




You get (faked):
Apples And Oranges
You get if installed:
Apples And Oranges

You type:
%~~ SEARCH{"GluePlugin"
~~~        nosearch="on" nosummary="on" nototal="on"
~~~        separator=", "
~~~        scope="topic"
~~~        format="$topic"
~~~ }%
You get (faked):
You get if installed:

Plugin Installation Instructions

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum
Copyright ©: 2005-2007, Michael Daum
License: GPL (GNU General Public License External link mark)
Plugin Version: v2.00
Change History:  
23 Nov 2007: added way to add comments in the middle of a TWikiMarkup expression
31 Aug 2006: added NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC
28 Jul 2006: fixed MANIFEST; some minor docu updates; added use strict;
28 Aug 2005: changed glue syntax; added glue escape sequence to work arround tags been interpreted before lines are recombined
16 Aug 2005: properly support internal tags; performance improvements; fixed use if uninitialized value
15 Aug 2005: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.024
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.005
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle nn%, FormattedSearch nn%, GluePlugin nn%
Plugin Home: TWiki:Plugins/GluePlugin
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/GluePluginDev
Appraisal: TWiki:Plugins/GluePluginAppraisal

-- TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum - 23 Nov 2007

Revision: r0 - 2007-11-23 - 22:55:08 - TWikiContributor

Copyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding Daya Bay? Send feedback
Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.GluePlugin.