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Package TWiki::Prefs::Parser

This Prefs-internal class is used to parse * Set and * Local statements from arbitrary text, and extract settings from meta objects. It is used by TopicPrefs to parse preference settings from topics.

This class does no validation or duplicate-checking on the settings; it simply returns the recognized settings in the order it sees them in.

On this page:

ClassMethod new () -> topicparserobject

Construct a new parser object.

ObjectMethod parseText ($text,$prefs)

Parse settings from text and add them to the preferences in $prefs

ObjectMethod parseMeta ($metaObject,$prefs)

Traverses through all PREFERENCE attributes of the meta object, creating one setting named with $settingPrefPrefix . 'title' for each. It also creates an entry named with the field 'name', which is a cleaned-up, space-removed version of the title.

Settings are added to the $prefs passed.

Revision: r1 - 2006-02-01 - 20:01:25 - TWikiContributor

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