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-- Newbie Marketer Series - Lesson 4 --

We’ll continue our training today, but I have a favor to ask. PLEASE begin using the sponsor links MUCH more than you have the first three days. There’s a tremendous amount of absolutely free information there and, even more important, their generosity is bringing you a training series that would easily cost $100 bucks to find elsewhere.


Here’s today’s link, with a freebie from my good friend Zeid that details how you can form an Internet business around sending information out by email. This is particularly vital in light of what I am teaching in today and tomorrow’s training segments:

Free Report on Profiting by Email (Sponsored)


Let’s get rocking on Day Four

When we left off yesterday, we had moved past selecting and buying our first domain name, and we’d found a place to host it. We are effectively “in business” at this point.

Today we move on to select the most critical service for an online marketer: the autoresponder.

Let me define how one works for you first. An autoresponder is an online service that keeps track of your customer (subscriber) list, and their communications from you. When you want to train them, or make them an offer, you simply login to your autoresponder account and type up your message. You can then send that mail to everyone, or even a segment, all at once… immediately or at any time of your choosing.

This is impossible to do without an autoresponder but, honestly, their other features are even more crucial.

A great autoresponder can keep you safe from the dangers of email regulation. They offer a link at the bottom of every one of your emails that gives people the opportunity to unsubscribe, or even change their active email address. These features are REQUIRED by language within the CAN SPAM regulations that govern those who send business emails.

Failure to adhere to CAN SPAM will get you fined and/or arrested, so the autoresponder protects you completely.

Before autoresponders evolved, SPAM emails from Nigeria, Liberia… all kinds of places, really… flew all around us. Now, because no one can join your autoresponder–maintained subscriber list without voluntarily providing their contact info, no one can assert that you aren’t in complete legal compliance.

Truly worth its weight in Gold.

So, we need one and we need it NOW. In fact, in tomorrow’s lesson, we are going to start adding subscribers, so this must be sorted immediately.

As you likely saw from a million emails this morning, SendReach was opened to the public today, and this is an amazing new autoresponder that has been in beta testing for many months. I’ve been honored to be included as a beta tester, actively chasing down and squashing out bugs, not to mention recommending dream features that are not available with any other autoresponder service. The owners are emailers themselves, and they built SendReach to solve all their frustrations with what’s already out there.

I’ll tell you about a few of the killer features that are going to make your life radically easier.

First and foremost, you can bring people onto your list with a single click from Facebook. This is not unique to SendReach but they’ve implemented it in ways that no one else has.

ALL the crucial demographic information associated with your new Facebook customer comes over to you when they subscribe. Sex, age, likes – it all gets stored in your database and will help you target your marketing in ways that have never before been possible.

You can even target your sends so that emails go to males OR females, or maybe just folks with particular likes and interests. Setting up these emails is push button simple!

They have also made it easy to bring your list over to them, and their customer service is absolutely through the roof! They also have patented technology that puts the very highest percentage of your emails past silly SPAM filters and IN TO client inboxes.

You can even reach your customers by text message!

For the next few days, they’re price–matching the other industry autoresponder services, before doubling their fees. But if you subscribe now, you’ll have your own pricing locked in forever. Let’s see someone else provide cutting edge features with that guarantee.

Here’s a link to check it out:

SendReach Introductory Discount

Ok, let’s continue exploring the autoresponder concept. I maintain several different “lists” in my account. There are diet, dating and dog niches in my business portfolio and I send obviously different messages to each of them. One autoresponder account can manage this.

I also rely on the fact that my autoresponder stores my past emails, in case I might need to re–use that content later. It further tracks vital numbers like how many of my members are opening the emails, how many are clicking, etc. This is crucial for fine–tuning your approach.

The email industry is a highly recommended way to make a living. If you truly care about your subscribers, take care of their interests and train them to be better within their chosen niche, they will reward the relationship by buying their products from you, or at least through your affiliate links when you endorse what someone else has created..

I am incredibly grateful to enjoy a significant relationship with my list, but I don’t want you to think it’s a 15-minute a day job of firing off random emails.

No way. Prep work and typing on this email alone is already at 2 hours.

But I am convinced that you’ll wind up with the VERY BEST autoresponder ever released – and at a huge discount. I’ll earn commission on your membership which helps to pay for my work, both beta testing and training you how to use it for maximum profit.

And let’s talk about that work. Each of you who enroll with SendReach should be in contact with me immediately. I am organizing a webinar for this weekend where I’ll spend time walking you through configuration and share some amazing strategies I use to grow my subscriber list EVERY SINGLE DAY. I’m open to answering your questions on the webinar, as well. Email me your purchase receipt immediately and I will send back the webinar specifics.

Once again, here’s the link to study SendReach and sign up for the service before they pull the introductory price discounts:

SendReach Launch Discount

Once you sign up, forward your welcome email to me at and I will forward you the exclusive webinar details. There’s one other surprise bonus that I’ll send to you as well. I’ll keep that secret.

Have a great day, folks. I’ll be back tomorrow to begin teaching how to fill your new autoresponder up with subscribers!


PS – Here’s the sponsor link again:

Free Report on Profiting by Email (Sponsored)

Revision: r1 - 2013-08-06 - 02:32:22 - KimbeRly65

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