In the US it's occasionally referred to as a baby being 'fussy'. One perplexed and uneasy few described their new baby to be 'a fussy baby, balling up, same time every day'. What they were experiencing was probably fully unanticipated and a shock to them both.
In the UK the British call it '3 month colic' and they can be blessed if it ends after just a couple of months because for many unfortunate babies it might continue another month or even more. The worst-case I heard about lasted for 6 months, but 3 or 4 months is more standard.
The Chinese call it 'The 100-day scream', that is much more descriptive although not completely accurate. Other states will undoubtedly have their particular descriptions because infant gas does seem to influence a percentage of babies, wherever in the world they've been born.
Learn to recognize infant colic. The Situation
It occurs at about the same time each day, can be in the afternoons but generally within the evening or night, for 3 or 4 hours. The crying continues until the poor baby can weep no more, with little knees drawn up, red-faced, fist clenched and in so much pain. Ultimately the crying turns to sobs and little whines of despair, before the next outburst of howling. The infant takes more milk, urgently seeking comfort, but the additional milk, offered too often, adds to the distress. There generally appears to be an excess of gasoline. Being held erect looks to help the baby a little but doesn't answer the issue or cease the crying.
The distressed mother.
A mother in this case can soon find herself at her wit's ending to know what to do to help her suffering infant, which explains why she resorts to offering more milk (Perhaps it's hunger? Perhaps rest will come next?) She walks the floor all night each night, expecting to somehow ease what is colic discomfort and maybe even lull the baby to sleep. No chance. She attempts laying the baby down. Immediate cries of protest at this abandonment!
No real help from gripe water, or any of the 'over the counter' treatments.
During these awful colic periods, gripe water is frequently offered in a vain hope that it's going to help this time. It does not help. No surprise, just dismay. I've read that Infacol does not help either, I may be wrong daughter assures me I am not though! Some folks claim that the product worked for their colicky baby, but this might be because the infant was at the end of the colic months anyway.
The situation repeated - again and again
These crying spells, lasting for hours, occur each day or night for weeks. When it is been occurring at night parents are now afflicted by sleep deprivation along with worry and hopelessness. If all of that is recognizable to you personally, then either you have been there or you're there right now.
Many posts about infant colic appear to concentrate on helping the new parents to go through this really 'trying time' with a variety of lame ideas. What about the small newborn, the person who's suffering all the pain? These articles give the troubled parents no hope of an actual treatment for their infant's colic and it is a cure they desperately need Homepage!