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The 1st SSV arrives at SAB at Daya Bay

船抵核电设备码头 (arriving at the Daya Bay dock) 从船上起吊 (lifting from the ship)
吊到卡车上 (lifting to a trunk) 去往SAB的路上 (en route for SAB)
警车开道 (en route with policy) 进入SAB (entering SAB)
在SAB里起吊 (lifting in SAB) 在SAB里 (sitting in SAB)
Attachments Attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_at_dock_2.jpg manage 522.1 K 2009-03-20 - 15:14 WangMeng arriving at the dock
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_en_route_for_SAB_2.jpg manage 1117.7 K 2009-03-20 - 15:20 WangMeng en route for SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_en_route_with_policy.jpg manage 681.3 K 2009-03-20 - 15:21 WangMeng en route with policy
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_entering_SAB_2.jpg manage 554.5 K 2009-03-20 - 15:22 WangMeng entering SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_in_SAB_2.jpg manage 823.5 K 2009-03-20 - 15:23 WangMeng in SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_lifting.jpg manage 370.1 K 2009-03-20 - 15:18 WangMeng lifting from the ship
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_lifting_in_SAB_2.jpg manage 747.8 K 2009-03-20 - 15:22 WangMeng lifting in SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_lifting_to_trunk.jpg manage 235.0 K 2009-03-20 - 15:19 WangMeng lifting to a trunk

Revision: r3 - 2009-03-20 - 15:34:45 - WangMeng
Parents: Public/Chinese > CivilConstruction Public.CivilProgress20090312 moved from Public/Chinese.Civilrogress on 2009-03-20 - 03:01 by WangMeng -
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