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The 1st SSV arrives at SAB at Daya Bay

船抵核电设备码头 (arriving at the Daya Bay dock) 从船上起吊 (lifting from the ship)
吊到卡车上 (lifting to a trunk) 去往SAB的路上 (en route for SAB)
警车开道 (en route with policy) 进入SAB (entering SAB)
在SAB里起吊 (lifting in SAB) 在SAB里 (sitting in SAB)
Attachments Attachments
ISorted descending Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_at_dock_2.jpg manage 522.1 K 2009-03-20 - 15:14 WangMeng arriving at the dock
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_en_route_for_SAB_2.jpg manage 1117.7 K 2009-03-20 - 15:20 WangMeng en route for SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_en_route_with_policy.jpg manage 681.3 K 2009-03-20 - 15:21 WangMeng en route with policy
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_entering_SAB_2.jpg manage 554.5 K 2009-03-20 - 15:22 WangMeng entering SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_in_SAB_2.jpg manage 823.5 K 2009-03-20 - 15:23 WangMeng in SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_lifting.jpg manage 370.1 K 2009-03-20 - 15:18 WangMeng lifting from the ship
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_lifting_in_SAB_2.jpg manage 747.8 K 2009-03-20 - 15:22 WangMeng lifting in SAB
JPEGjpg ssv1st_20090312_lifting_to_trunk.jpg manage 235.0 K 2009-03-20 - 15:19 WangMeng lifting to a trunk

Revision: r3 - 2009-03-20 - 15:34:45 - WangMeng
Parents: Public/Chinese > CivilConstruction Public.CivilProgress20090312 moved from Public/Chinese.Civilrogress on 2009-03-20 - 03:01 by WangMeng -
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