Difference: TWikiPreferences (88 vs. 89)

Revision 892014-03-27 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Daya Bay Site-Level Preferences

This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this TWikiSite.

Line: 125 to 125
    • HELP NOTE: Keyword $name gets expanded to filename; $comment to comment; \t to tab (3 spaces for bullets).
<-- verbatim tag required to prevent error in Apache log; does not suppress Set -->
    • Set ATTACHEDFILELINKFORMAT = \n * $name: $comment
    • Set ATTACHEDFILELINKFORMAT = \n * $name: $comment

  • Format of images when the link check box is checked:
    • HELP NOTE: Keyword $name gets expanded to filename; $comment to comment; $width to width of image; $height to height of image; $size to width="..." height="..." attribute of img tag; \t to tab and \n to linefeed. Use 3 leading spaces for bullets.
    • Set ATTACHEDIMAGEFORMAT = \n * $comment:
      \n $name
    • Set ATTACHEDIMAGEFORMAT = \n * $comment:
      \n $name

Line: 164 to 164

Search Settings

Line: 296 to 298
Line: 309 to 314

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Ideas, requests, problems regarding Daya Bay? Send feedback
Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPreferences.